How To Get Unlimited Die In Monopoly Go!

If you’re reading this, you’re already acquainted with the ins and outs of Monopoly Go and its gameplay dynamics. The core elements of this game are cash and dice, and to amass cash, you’ll need dice. However, purchasing dice can be a costly endeavor, and relying solely on the free 5 dice you receive per hour might not suffice if you’re truly dedicated to mastering the game.

As a free-to-play enthusiast, making significant progress in Monopoly Go necessitates investing a considerable amount of time. Enter the Monopoly Go Capped Dice method, a strategy that can boost your dice collection and enhance your chances of climbing the leaderboard. Let’s dive into the details and fill in the gaps for you.

Getting Unlimited Die In Monopoly Go!

Understanding the Monopoly Go Capped Dice Method

Once you’ve exhausted your dice reserves, the game offers various methods to replenish them. The Monopoly Go Capped Dice method capitalizes on the “invite friends” feature within the game. When you invite new players to the game, and they click on your provided link to download and launch the game, the invite friends system will reward you with dice, cash, and other valuable items. Dice will always be among the rewards you receive.

Executing the Monopoly Go Capped Dice method revolves around your invite link. To obtain this link, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the “Friends” tab within the game.
  2. Locate and click the green “Invite” button.
  3. Then, click on the yellow “Invite” button and proceed to share the link via WhatsApp or your preferred messaging platform.

Now, the crucial part comes next:

  1. Copy the provided link and open it on a different device.
  2. If the game isn’t installed, clicking the link will take you to the Play Store for installation.
  3. If you already have the game, clicking the link will open it.
  4. If you open the game on another device and fully load it, and if you haven’t played the game on that device before, the account that shared the link will see an increase in its friend list and contribute to the invite reward system.

However, repeating the same method on the same device won’t yield results. Instead, navigate to the settings of your second device and proceed to clear the data from Google Play Services and the Game. Afterward, click on the link again to add another friend, enabling you to perpetuate this process indefinitely. This provides the basics of the Monopoly Go Capped Dice method, but doing this manually can be quite tedious. That’s why we’re here to teach you how to automate the process.

What You’ll Need for the Monopoly Go Capped Dice Method on PC

Before diving into automation, let’s ensure you have the necessary tools at your disposal:

  1. A Windows PC with at least 8GB of RAM.
  2. An i3 processor or higher.
  3. An Android Emulator, such as LDPlayer (We’re using LDPlayer in this demonstration due to its speed and lightweight nature, making it suitable for running multiple instances).
  4. A simple Notepad.
  5. The Monopoly Go game downloaded to the emulator.

Executing the Monopoly Go Capped Dice Method

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the LDPlayer Download Page and download and install LDPlayer.
  2. Once the installation is complete, open LDPlayer and access the Google Play Store or LDStore.
  3. Download Monopoly Go and then proceed to download Simple Notepad.

With these essential components in place, let’s proceed:

  1. Click on the hexagon icon located on the right side of the LDPlayer toolbar.
  2. Navigate to the advanced tab within the window that appears.
  3. Change the resolution to Mobile mode and select 720×1280 (dpi 320).
  4. Allocate 2 CPU cores and 2GB of RAM, then save your settings.
  5. You’ll be prompted to restart the emulator; go ahead and do so.

Now that your emulator is configured, it’s time to automate the Monopoly Go Capped Dice method:

  1. Copy your Monopoly Go invite link and paste it into Simple Notepad.
  2. Click on the small three dots in the upper right corner of Notepad and select the “Linkify” option from the menu. This will make the link clickable.
  3. Leave it as is and navigate to LDPlayer Home > Settings > Apps & Notification > See All Apps.

Now, let’s create and execute the automation:

  1. Open the operation record widget in Notepad.
  2. Click on the link in Notepad to open the browser and launch the game.
  3. Wait until the game’s loading bar reaches 100%.
  4. Press Ctrl+8 to start recording the automation macro.

A small widget will appear, and within it, locate and click on the “Start Recording” button. This initiates the recording of your actions. Begin by closing the browser tab, similar to how you’d close a browser tab. Then, proceed to the settings tab we opened earlier and align it with the game and Google Play Services, using the tab bar to navigate.

In the settings tab, perform the following actions:

  1. Click on Google Play Service.
  2. Navigate to Storage > Clear Storage > Clear All Data.
  3. Return to the All Apps page without leaving this section.

Next, within the Monopoly Go app, perform these actions:

  1. Click on Monopoly Go.
  2. Navigate to Storage > Clear Storage > Clear All Data.
  3. Return to the All Apps page, just as you did after clearing data from Google Play Service.

Now, the next step in the Monopoly Go Capped Dice method is to move the Notepad tab through the tab bar and click on your link. This will reload the game. Wait until the loading is complete, and then stop the recording by pressing F10.

You’ll notice a new section named “My Script 1” on the Operation Record widget. Click on the gear icon for this section and select the option “Run until manually stop.” Additionally, adjust the speed to 0.8x to account for any potential delays during the execution of the macro. Now, you can run this automation, and it will continually perform the recorded actions until you stop it.

When creating the macro, remember to maintain a 2-second gap between each click to ensure smooth execution. This tip can be useful for creating macros in the future as well.

Enhancing Output

While the above method can be effective, it can also be slow when it comes to adding friends. To expedite this process, you can use the LDPlayer Multi-instance Manager and Multi-instance Sync feature. Here’s how:

  1. After you’ve gone through the steps above and tested your macro, close LDPlayer and open LDMultiPlayer.
  2. Within the Multiplayer window, find the hexagon icon in the bottom left corner and click on it.
  3. Adjust the following settings:
    • Reduce the FPS to 30.
    • Enable the “Disable sound” option to reduce CPU usage.
    • Enable options to use less graphics memory and RAM.
  4. Save these settings.

Back in the main Multiplayer window:

  1. Select the already created instance.
  2. Use the batch option near the upper left corner of the Multiplayer to create five clones.
  3. Wait for all five instances to be created.
  4. Once they’re ready, select all instances.
  5. Use the batch button and choose “Start selected” to initiate all instances without crashes.

With all six instances up and running, proceed to set up each one as instructed in the “How to Do Monopoly Go Capped Dice Method” section of this guide. To arrange the windows efficiently, click on the “arrange window” button within the Multiplayer, located next to the settings button.

Now, open the operation record widget first, press Ctrl+9 to begin synchronization, and then run the recorded actions. This will replicate what was done through the macro in all other instances. This approach can significantly increase the rate at which you add friends and acquire dice.


You’re now equipped with the knowledge to successfully execute the Monopoly Go Capped Dice method and amass a substantial collection of free dice. We hope this guide has been informative and enhances your gaming experience. As a final tip, in addition to this method, consider utilizing Monopoly Go redeem codes to further boost your rewards. This guide was inspired by a Reddit post titled “Capped Dice Method Full Tutorial,” which also provides instructions for Android and Mac users. With this, we conclude our guide on the Monopoly Go Capped Dice method. Thank you for reading, and may your Monopoly Go journey be filled with success!

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